CORF3D contour maps with application to Holstein cattle recognition from RGB and thermal images
Amey Bhole,
Research Internship Project, 2020

Supervisors: Dr. George Azzopardi, Dr. Owen Falzon and Dr. Sandeep Udmale

Proposed a novel CORF3D feature set based on brain-inspired push-pull CORF model

Real-Time Smoke Simulation and Visualization
Amey Bhole, Steven Farrugia
Scientific Visualization Project, 2019

Implemented a number of visualization algorithms to a fluid flow simulation - allowing the end user to interact and filter the visualization to their desired goal via a Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Amey Bhole, Andrei Cusnir, Remco van Buijtenen, Stefan Evanghelides, Thorsten Rangnau
Software Architecture Project, 2019
pdf / slides

Design and development of smart systems for livestock production and management

Automatic identification of Holstein cattle using non-invasive computer vision approach
Amey Bhole,
Research Internship Project, 2018
code / pdf

Supervisors: Dr. George Azzopardi and Prof. Dr. Michael Biehl

Developed a novel computer vision system for individual identification of Holstein cattle in farms based on coat patterns

Comparative analysis of individual identification of Holstein cattle
Amey Bhole, Steven Farrugia, Hichem Bouakaz, Kyprianos Isaakidis
Machine Learning Project, 2018

Comparison of CNN models pre-trained on ms-celeb 1million and ImageNet data set for individual identification of Holstein cattle.

Visual Analysis of Crime Data
Amey Bhole, Marios Lykiardopoulos
Visual Analytics for Big Data Project, 2018
pdf / visualizations

Analysis of geographical, temporal, classification and resolution speed of incident across Seattle using visualization tool Tableau.

Music recommendation System
Amey Bhole, Marios Lykiardopoulos, Orestis Divintari
Scalable Computing Project, 2018

Developed a scalable model for music recommendation system using combination of alternating least squares algorithm and global baseline approach

Hospital readmission of diabetic patients
Amey Bhole, Martin Dijkhuizen, Ilyas Aaqaoui, Tos Sambo
Machine Learning Project, 2017

Predict hospital readmission of diabetic patients using bagging based ensemble technique